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570 kW biogas plant in Bavaria
Aim was the maximum use of the rated power.
The digester load could be increased, the rated power increases by 20%.

716 kW Bioenergiedorf Jühnde
The aim was increasing of the efficiency of the biogas plant.
An independent laboratory verified an increase of the methane gas production of the treated samples in comparison to the untreated ones of 15,7%.

275 kW Biogas plant Rastdorf
Because of his difficult substrate mixture, which had reduced fluidity caused by the high proportion of horse manure and of intermediate crops, the plant operator decided in favour of a preparation step using a disintegration plant from Weber Entec.
The viscosity decreases perceptibly, the substrate is more homogeneous, and the addition of enzymes and trace elements has become superfluous. A lab test indicated an increase in efficiency of 20.5% in comparison to the untreated control.

250 kW Biogas plant Vreden
The combined heat and power plant (CHP) was working at only 75% load (190 kW). The aim was to obtain a 100% load for the CHP. In addition, maize silage was to be successively replaced by more difficult substrates such as grass.
Even just three months after commissioning the ultrasonic disintegration plant, the CHP achieved a load of 230 kW. In the meantime, the CHP is running at full load.

WWTP in Baden-Wurttemberg
The aim of the waste water treatment plant was to increase the gas yield as well as to reduce the amount of sludge and as a result of that the disposal costs.
A batchtest showed an increase of the gas yield of the treated thickened surplus sludge of 11.5%.

Biogas plant in Bavaria
The biogas plant required to save substrate and increase the gas yield.
After the installation of our ultrasound disintegration plant a 15 % higher methan yield and less needed substrate was verified.

800 kW Biogas plant in Baden-Wurttemberg
The aim of the biogas plant was saving substrate and increasing the biogas yield.
Now it is possible to get the same amount of methan with about 11% less substrate.

1300 kW Biogas plant in Lower Saxony
This biogas plant had the aim to save substrate as well as to increase the biogas yield.
The carried out batch test showed an increase of efficiency of the ultrasound treated samples in comparison to the untreated samples of 13,5%.

560 kW Biogas plant in Freiburg/Elbe
The biogas plant was built to expand the crop rotation through the plantation of maize and grass. The ultrasound disintegration plant of Weber Entec shall increase the gas yield of the used substrates.
The laboratory test yielded to an increase of the treated samples in comparison to the untreated samples of more than 10%. Note, that the sampling was carried out two month after installation and commissioning of the disintegration plant. It can be assumed that the real increase is higher than the measured increase.